The resistance that loves you
At the age of 21 (going on 22), I’m in the middle of shifting from a teenager to an adult. Sometimes the adult world baffled me. What people expected of me confuse me the most.
They expect me to be independent, but still obey the older people. They expect me to be innovative, but they’re shocked when they hear my point of view.
They expect me to follow in their steps. To do what others have done before. To live like them.
Parents, especially, have their own expectations of what we will become. To assure them that we will be different from what they expect of us, yet still be okay. That is the hardest work for us to do as an adult.
What really is stopping me from becoming my greatest self is the people around me. Like Steven Pressfield says in ‘Do The Work’, “The problem with friends and family is that they know us as we are. They are invested in maintaining us as we are”.
They are the Resistance, the power that’s stopping us. The power that’s hindering the progress of our crazy ideas. They just want to protect us, because they cannot see how we will survive in the condition we want to live with. They imagine the ‘now us’ failing.
But we’re not the ‘now us’. We are evolving into the person that we know we need to be.
The ones that can ignore the people around them and listen to their own heart are the ones that will be successful. They will escape this rat race, stop following what others have done before, and stand out from the rest of us.
Now the question is, am I brave enough to ignore them? Are you brave enough?
Tell me about your experience in following your passion/heart/calling below! Your stories will inspire me for sure :)
Hi, I’m Ascencia. I am an Indonesian girl living in Jakarta. Currently an Information Systems student and an intern. I love reading, writing, and learning.